

可持续性 - 2023年1月11日

Waupaca铸造 Awarded for Environmental Accomplishments

铸造管理 & 技术

Ferrous foundry group Waupaca铸造 Inc. has earned three 奖s from national, 状态, and industry groups recognizing its commitment to cutting energy consumption, and to finding “smart” ways to use and protect natural resources. Its energy projects included overhauling an air-compressor system at Plant 1 in Waupaca, Wis.; installing a dehumidification system at Plant 5 located in Tell City, Ind.; and adopting a smart exhaust-fan system at Plant 2/3 located in Waupaca, Wis.

“We have been on a corporate-wide mission of 可持续性 since 2009,” 状态d Waupaca铸造 director of Environmental Engineering, 科比每. “Reducing our energy consumption and costs has a direct benefit to our customers in terms of producing high quality iron at a competitive price with a reduced 环境al footprint.” 

该奖项由美国颁发.S. 部门. of Energy's Better Plants program recognizes manufacturers for creating and implementing industrial energy and water efficiency projects, as well as renewable energy and energy resiliency projects. The foundry was recognized for completing an extensive upgrade to the Waupaca plant’s air-compressor system that increased energy efficiency and reduced annual energy and water usage.

It is the second time in two years that Waupaca铸造 has been recognized by DoE for its 环境al achievements.

Outdated compressors were replaced with new, more efficient models in a new compressor room; improved piping layouts, and captured the waste heat to provide building heating during the colder months. 也, the remaining old compressors were replaced with new high-efficiency units, a master control system was installed, overall air pressure was reduced from 95 to 87 PSI, and operations and maintenance practices improved.

Finally, an ongoing compressor air-leak management program was implemented.

These projects increased overall energy efficiency by 13.5%; reduced energy usage by 18,000 MMBTU / year, the equivalent energy consumed by 20 U.S. single family homes annually; reduced water usage by 13 million gallons of water/year; eliminated 1,240年tCO2, or 1%, of GHG emissions; and energy usage was reduced by 1.100万千瓦时.

二等奖, the 2022 Green Foundry 可持续性 Award, was presented by the American Foundry Society in recognition of the Waupaca铸造 Tell City, IN, plant’s new dehumidification system that significantly reduced energy consumption.

Roof-mounted exhaust fans were installed to run continuously – to remove humidity in order to improve cupola melting efficiency – though temperature variations affected the melt rate. A desiccant wheel was installed to remove water vapor from ambient air, and a smart system that triggered fan use only when sensors detected high levels.

Waupaca铸造 奖ed for 环境al accomplishments.

The results of this system are more efficient cupola melting, decreased coke usage, reduced CO2 emissions, and a decrease in overall plant energy usage.

最后的, the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) association recognized Waupaca铸造’s 环境al 创新with its “Business Friend of the Environment” 奖 in the largebusiness category. The 奖 cites Waupaca铸造 Plant 2/3’s project to install smart controls, to improve efficiency of ventilation equipment.

Six roof-mounted exhaust fans removed heat and circulated air in the summer months, although continuous operation did not adequately address seasonal temperature variation.

The existing fans were automated with temperature and carbon monoxide sensors, so they now operate only when needed ,as defined by temperatures and/or carbon monoxide levels.

These modifications resulted in significant energy savings, reducing annual electricity and natural gas usage, improved workplace ventilation and worker comfort, 和保证CO2 积极监测水平. 也, the project implementation costs were low, Waupaca铸造 noted.

The foundry group added that its 2023 可持续性 goals are:
•  To reduce energy intensity by 5%;
•  To reduce the cumulative electrical consumption carbon footprint 30%;
•  To maintain air pollution-control systems considered as “best available” by the U.S. 环境保护署;
•  To achieve a cumulative 80% beneficial reuse of spent foundry materials; and
•  To reduce water use consumption by 10%.


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