P4 Hard Hat

Privacy Policy

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Your privacy is important to Waupaca Foundry. This statement discloses the information practices for Waupaca Foundry Web sites, including what type of information is gathered and tracked, how the information is used, and with whom the information is shared.

Waupaca Foundry abides by the Safe Harbor framework as set forth by the United States Department Of Commerce regarding the collection, use and retention of information collected from the European Union by a Web site on the zizhanggui.com domain.

Personal Information

In general, 您可以在互联网上访问威尼斯注册送38元,而无需告诉您是谁,也无需提供任何个人信息. There are times, however, when Waupaca Foundry’s partners or Waupaca Foundry may need information from you.

You may choose to provide personal information in a variety of situations. For example, you may want to give information, such as your name and address or e-mail id, to correspond with you, to process an order, or to provide you with a subscription. 你可以提供你的信用卡详细信息,从威尼斯注册送38元买东西,或者描述你的教育和工作经验,与你希望被考虑的工作机会有关. Waupaca Foundry intends to let you know how such information will be used before collecting it; if you tell us that you do not want us to use this information to make further contact with you beyond fulfilling your requests, your wishes will be respected. If you give personal information about somebody else, such as a spouse or work colleague, Waupaca Foundry will assume that you have his or her permission to do so.

Using and Sharing Personal Information

以下段落更详细地描述了Waupaca Foundry可能如何使用您的个人信息以及可能与谁共享这些信息. Depending on the type of Waupaca Foundry Web site you are visiting, one or more of the paragraphs may apply. For example, if you order a product from a Waupaca Foundry Web site, 您的信息将按照“满足您的交易请求”和“营销用途”段落中所述的方式处理.

Fulfilling Your Transaction Request

If you request something from an Waupaca Foundry Web site, for example, a product or service, a callback, or specific marketing materials, Waupaca Foundry will use the information you provide to fulfill your request. To help do this, Waupaca Foundry may share information, with others, for instance, other parts of Waupaca Foundry, Waupaca Foundry's Business Partners, financial institutions, shipping companies, postal or government authorities (for example, Customs authorities) involved in fulfillment. 在某项交易中,我们可能会与您联系,作为客户满意度调查或市场研究的一部分.

Marketing Use  

您在某些Waupaca Foundry网站上提供给Waupaca Foundry的信息也可能被Waupaca Foundry和选定的第三方用于营销目的. Before it is used, however, you will be offered the opportunity to choose whether or not to have your information used in this way.

Waupaca Foundry Human Resources Web Sites (including Recruitment)

In connection with a job application or inquiry, whether advertised on Waupaca Foundry Web site or otherwise, you may provide Waupaca Foundry with information about yourself, such as a resume or curriculum vitae. 威尼斯注册送38元可能会在整个公司及其相关实体中使用这些信息,用于就业考虑或您的查询. Except where you state not to, Waupaca Foundry will keep the information for future consideration.

Information for Business Partners

If you represent a Waupaca Foundry Business Partner, you may visit a Waupaca Foundry Web site intended specifically for Waupaca Foundry Business Partners. 威尼斯注册送38元可能会使用该网站提供的信息来管理和发展与您的业务关系, the Business Partner you represent, and Waupaca Foundry Business Partners generally. For instance, this may involve using your information to send you details of Waupaca Foundry Business Partner programs. 它还可能包括与其他业务合作伙伴共享某些信息(根据可能存在的任何保密义务), or Waupaca Foundry customers or prospects. In connection with a particular transaction or program, Waupaca Foundry may also contact you as part of customer satisfaction surveys or for market research purposes.

Waupaca Foundry Supplier Administration

If you represent a Waupaca Foundry supplier, you may visit a Waupaca Foundry Web site intended specifically for use by Waupaca Foundry suppliers. 威尼斯注册送38元可能会使用该网站上提供的信息与您进行交易或执行交易. For example, this may include sharing information with other parts of Waupaca Foundry, Waupaca Foundry's Business Partners, customers, shipping companies, financial institutions, postal or government authorities involved in fulfillment. It may also be used to administer and develop our relationship with you, the supplier you represent and/or other Waupaca Foundry suppliers generally.

Waupaca Foundry Discussion Forums and Chat Rooms 

If you participate in a Waupaca Foundry discussion forum or chat room, you should be aware that the information you provide there will be made broadly available to others, potentially inside or outside Waupaca Foundry, who have access to that discussion forum or chat room. Also, please recognize that individual forums and chat rooms may have additional rules and conditions. 每个参与者在论坛或聊天室的意见是他或她自己的,不应被视为反映威尼斯注册送38元的意见.

Other Waupaca Foundry Web Site Notices  

In some cases, 特定的Waupaca Foundry网站可能包含关于其使用和适用于这些网站的信息实践的其他通知.

Our Worldwide Practices  

Waupaca Foundry is a global organization, with legal entities, business processes, management structures, and technical systems that cross borders.

Privacy practices are designed to provide protection for your personal information, all over the world.

Waupaca Foundry可能会在Waupaca Foundry内部共享您的个人信息,并将其转移到世界上Waupaca Foundry有业务的国家.

Some countries may provide less legal protection for your information. In such countries Waupaca Foundry will still handle information in the manner described here.

Information Security and Quality

Waupaca Foundry intends to protect your personal information and to maintain its quality. Waupaca Foundry implements appropriate measures and processes, such as using encryption when transmitting certain sensitive information, to help keep your information secure and to maintain its quality.

Supplementing Information 

威尼斯注册送38元可能会不时补充您通过威尼斯注册送38元网站提供给我们的其他来源的信息, such as information validating your address or other available information about businesses. This is to help maintain the accuracy of the information collected and to help us provide a better service.

Use of Suppliers

In some cases Waupaca Foundry uses suppliers to collect, use, analyze and otherwise process information on its behalf. 威尼斯注册送38元的做法是要求这些供应商以符合威尼斯注册送38元政策的方式处理信息.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Circumstances may arise where, whether for strategic or other business reasons, Waupaca Foundry decides to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganize businesses in some countries. Such a transaction may involve the disclosure of personal information to prospective or actual purchasers, or receiving it from sellers. 威尼斯注册送38元的做法是在这些类型的交易中寻求适当的信息保护.

Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies

我们有时会从网站的访问中收集不可识别的信息,以帮助提供更好的客户服务. For example, Waupaca Foundry keeps track of the domains from which people visit, and also measures visitor activity on Waupaca Foundry Web sites, but it is done so in ways that keep the information non-identifiable. This information is sometimes known as "clickstream data.“Waupaca Foundry或代表Waupaca Foundry的其他人可能会使用这些数据来分析趋势和统计数据,并帮助提供更好的客户服务.

Also, when collect personal data is collected from you in a transaction, Waupaca Foundry可能会以不可识别的格式提取有关该事务的一些信息,并将其与其他不可识别的信息(如点击流数据)组合在一起. This information is used and analyzed only at an aggregate level to help us understand trends and patterns. This information is not reviewed at an individual level. If you do not want your transaction details used in this manner you can disable your cookies.

Waupaca Foundry通过使用各种技术收集前几段中提到的信息, including one called "cookies". A cookie is a piece of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer as an anonymous tag that identifies your computer but not you. Some Waupaca Foundry pages use cookies, sent by Waupaca Foundry or its third party vendors, or other technologies to better serve you when you return to the Web site. You can set your browser to notify you before you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. You can also set your browser to turn off cookies. If you do so, however, some Web sites may not work properly.

一些Waupaca Foundry网站也使用网络信标或其他技术来更好地定制这些网站,以提供更好的客户服务. These technologies may be in use on a number of pages across Waupaca Foundry's Web sites. When a visitor accesses these pages, a non-identifiable notice of that visit is generated which may be processed by Waupaca Foundry or by suppliers. These Web beacons usually work in conjunction with cookies. If you don't want your cookie information to be associated with your visits to these pages, you can set your browser to turn off cookies.

If you turn off cookies, Web beacon and other technologies will still detect visits to these pages, 但是,它们生成的通知不能与其他不可识别的cookie信息相关联,因此将被忽略. For more information, please see "How to work with Cookies".

Service Quality Monitoring

Certain Web transactions may also involve you calling Waupaca Foundry or Waupaca Foundry calling you. 请注意,这是威尼斯注册送38元的一般做法,监控,并在某些情况下记录这样的电话为员工培训或质量保证的目的.

Online Advertising

Certain companies help Waupaca Foundry deliver interactive on-line advertising such as banner ads. 这些公司可能会收集和使用有关客户的信息,以帮助Waupaca Foundry更好地了解报价, promotions, and types of advertising that are most appealing to customers. After it is collected the information is aggregated so it is not identifiable to a specific individual. If, however, you would prefer that these companies not collect such information, please visit www.networkadvertising.org and follow the "opt-out" instructions.

Personalized URL Link

On occasion, Waupaca Foundry may personalize and customize Web sites for certain visitors. If you visit one of these sites, 您可能会发现它是定制的参考产品和/或服务,威尼斯注册送38元认为可能是您感兴趣的, based on your previous interactions with Waupaca Foundry and information you have provided. While you are visiting these Web sites, Waupaca Foundry may collect information about your visit to better tailor the site to your interests. An invitation to visit one of these Web sites is usually presented as a personalized URL in an e-mail, a notice on a Web site registration page, or as a response to you logging on to a certain Web site.

If you choose to visit one of these Web sites, 您同意让威尼斯注册送38元收集有关您的访问信息,并将其与您以及您与威尼斯注册送38元的关系的其他信息相关联. If you do not wish your information to be used in this way, do not accept the invitation to visit these sites.

Disclosures Required By Law

Please be aware that in certain circumstances, 根据司法或其他政府传票,个人信息可能会被披露, warrants, or orders.

Privacy Technology

Technology will increasingly help give you more control over your personal information. It will also help organizations to manage their privacy practices and policies. As an information technology provider, Waupaca Foundry积极支持隐私技术的发展,以帮助实现这些目标,并帮助在处理个人信息的方式上建立更大的信任和信心.

其他产品和服务可以帮助您在浏览Web时控制您的个人信息. See http://www.privacyalliance.org/ resources/rulesntools.shtml for an overview of many privacy-related tools. Please note that Waupaca Foundry has not formally evaluated these tools.

Links to non-Waupaca Foundry Web Sites

Waupaca Foundry Web sites may contain links to other Web sites. Waupaca Foundry is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those other Web sites.

Notification of Changes 

This privacy statement was last updated on 10/16/2014. 每当本隐私声明发生重大变化时,将在网站主页上张贴公告30天.

Privacy Questions and Access 

If you have a question about this statement, you can send an email to the Waupaca Foundry Web site coordinator. The address for this is waupaca.legal@zizhanggui.com. You can also contact this address if you have a question about Waupaca Foundry's handling of your information.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the site's privacy statement, you should first contact Waupaca Foundry directly. If you do not receive acknowledgment of your inquiry or your inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, you should then contact TRUSTe online at http://www.truste.org/users/users_watchdog.html. TRUSTe will then serve as a liaison with the Web site to resolve your concerns.

This Web site is maintained by Waupaca Foundry.